

This package depends on a number of third-party libraries (some of us and some third party), see the find_package-section in CMakeLists.txt.

We provide an Apptainer image (“pam_base”) which contains all required third-party dependencies, so you don’t need to install everything on your computer. See pam_singularity.

Our internal dependencies are best provided by setting up a workspace using treep (see below).


We recommend using treep to setup a workspace to build this package:

To install treep:

pip install treep

Create workspace:

mkdir ~/my_workspace
cd ~/my_workspace
git clone
treep --clone-https PAM_VICON  # clones packages to ./workspace/src

Build with Apptainer:

cd ~/my_workspace/workspace/
apptainer shell -e path/to/container.sif
Apptainer> colcon build

If you don’t want to use Apptainer, simply call colcon build directly. In this case, you need to install all dependencies locally (see Overview and software installation).