Developer’s guide: Updating the documentation

This documentation

This documentation is hosted by the git repository: Everybody is welcome to update/extend it.

For doing so:

  1. Clone the documentation repository

  2. Update the documentation

  3. If you add a new file: list it in the file index.rst (at the right place, are files are in order)

  4. If you add a new file: note that both RST files and MD files are supported.

  5. Check the documentation looks nice locally: you can generate the html files with make html (see requirements.txt).

  6. Push to a branch and perform a pull request to the main branch.

After review and once the branch is merged into the main branch, the online documentation will be automatically updated.

Documentation of all packages

The software comprises several packages. These are the packages that are downloaded via treep when installing the software from source and using colcon as described here. Some of these package have documentation, which can be built locally

How to build

Using colcon:

cd /path/to/Software
cd workspace
colcon build --cmake-args ' -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ' -DGENERATE_DOCUMENTATION=ON

For this to work, you may need to pip install some packages: m2r, mistune (version 0.8.4), recommonmark, sphinx, sphinxcontrib-moderncmakedomain, breath.

Once compilation is successfully finished, html documentation can be found in paths:

/path/to/Software/workspace/install/<package name>/share/<package name>/docs/

How to have the documentation building for a package

To have the documentation built for a package using the method above, this command has to be added to the CMakeLists.txt file of the package:


The command add_documentation is provided by the package mpi_cmake_modules, which is part of the colcon workspace as downloaded by treep (see this page)