More info: Ball launcher

The robot laboratory has a ball launcher that can be activated programmatically.


Start the ball launcher

The ball launcher is connected to a multiple socker power supply. Turn it on. The raspberry pi attached to the launcher should start and display something like:

| Welcome to ball launcher beepy  |

to ssh to me: user pi, password: ---

- sourcing colcon workspace
- killing already running server
- starting the ball launcher server on IP 10.42.--.-- and PORT 5555

Take note of the IP address.

Launch a ball (from terminal)

In a terminal:


This will start a dialog, which one completed will have a ball launched.

Launch a ball (from python script)

import time

from ball_launcher_beepy import BallLauncherClient

# Enter the correct IP here
ip = "10.42.XX.XX"
port = 5555

phi = 0.5
theta = 0.5
motor_top_left = motor_top_right = motor_bottom = 0.4

client = BallLauncherClient(ip, port)
client.set_state(phi, theta, motor_top_left, motor_top_right, motor_bottom)

All arguments are floats between 0 and 1 (except of ip which is string and port which is an int)

  • ip, port : of the server (installed on the ball launcher Rasperri Pi)

  • phi : azimutal angle of the launch pad

  • theta : altitute angle of the launch pad

  • top_left_motor: activation of the top left motor

  • top_right_motor: activation of the top right motor

  • bottom_motor: activation of the bottom motor

Installation of the server

On the Raspberry Pi of the ball launcher, install:

  • pip3 install: pyparsing==2.0.2, colcon-common-extensions, empy, catkin-pkg, sphinx, breathe, xinabox-OC05, xinabox-OC03

  • apt: protobuf-compiler, libprotobuf-dev, libzmq3-dev

In a folder /home/pi/Workspaces/ball_launcher/workspace/src (git) clone:

  • (branch eloquent)

  • (branch eloquent)



Then call colcon build from the folder /home/pi/Workspaces/ball_launcher/workspace.

Copy paste the content of this file at the end of the file /home/pi/.bashrc.